
Entradas con la etiqueta ‘charming hotel’

Cantabria through its cheeses from Santillana del Mar

Cantabria through its cheeses from Santillana del Mar

The cheese has been and remains one of the most traditional agrifood activities in Cantabria. In addition to the artisanal and industrial dairies, in many villages it is still prepared homemade cheeses. This tradition is already reflected in some of the oldest documents in the region, including in the cartulary of Santo Toribio de Liebana… [Leer más]

Once more … thank you to all of our guests

Once more … thank you to all of our guests

The staff of the Posada La Casa del Organista, wants to thank all our guests for your understanding and encouragement to go ahead this rural property located in the beautiful village of Santillana del Mar, Cantabria. Sometimes we have difficult and unexpected situations that do not allow us to develop our business in a smooth… [Leer más]

  • Calle Los Hornos, Nº4
    Santillana del Mar 39330
  • +34 942 840 352
  • susanainfo@posadacasadelorganista.com